In Lutsk six months 2015 workers KP "Laska" catch animals 440

This shnoyi during a press conference for the media said the director KP "Laska" Bogdan Novarchuk. She stressed that recently appeared keen interest in the activities of her company, so she decided to tell more details about the resultand work. "Since the inception of the utility company was able to significantly reduce the number of stray animals in the city. Ever wandered the city for more than 4,000,000 individuals. And now they, the results of the monitoring - 779. We have achieved significant results in their work. Decreased and the number of bites Lutsk homeless dogs. Unfortunately, the impactUchi the number of people bitten by animals, which are the owners, we can not "- she said. Bogdan Novarchuk said that Luck is the best in the registration of pets. "We adopt the experience of other cities. Currently, 14 cities in Ukraine using electronic identification systems pets. In Kiev, instead of three public pidpryyemstv, engaged capture, maintenance and registration of dogs, creating a single "- said the director KP" weasel. " The issue of homeless animals, to convince Bogdan Novarchuk can not be solved without registration pets. Many dogs in the street once had the lead, but for various reasons, find themselves on the street. The issue of stray animalCategories are relevant not only in Ukraine. Bogdan Novarchuk stressed that in England every year take the street 100000 dogs. Also director KP "Laska" said that they respond to all challenges. Often people seek help because their pets get into different situations. And actively cooperate with the police, employees of MES and more.Said Bogdan Novarchuk and that in animal nutrition helps sponsors. Today the company "weasel" is 300 animals. Since 2015, the family was able to attach 568 dogs. Special attention, according to Bogdan Novarchuk, devoted to the work with young people about the rules of treatment of animals. In her opinion, is necessary for dytynsment to teach children to love animals and nature. In the event the company held "House for a friend," during which children were making homes for the dogs. They received prizes for their work. "In order to popularize stray animals held an action" nobleman ". Took part in it only purebred dogs. Holiday got quite busy and thesekavym "- she said. Commented Bogdan Novarchuk and the situation with the construction of the fence at the facility. According to her, the current fence is almost completely destroyed. "It will be a concrete fence erected modern soundproofed. All this is done for the safety of citizens. For this purpose from the city budget allocated 400 thousand UAH. Another 100 thousand chryamuyut the construction of electricity. The estimated cost of construction was developed back in 2013. Now prices have increased. We have appealed to different construction companies, but no one wanted to reduce that amount by the fence, because the actual cost of the work is around 700 thousand. Company "Forest Ukraine", which has long been helping our CompanyWu agreed to build a fence 400 thousand. The work plan to be completed by September, "- she added. This was reported in Lutsk city council
