Chernivtsi advised to avoid overheating of

To prevent overheating gossanepidsluzhby recommends: 1. Restrict stay outdoors, reduce physical exertion to a minimum. 2. When staying indoors to ensure its optimal temperature, if possible, turn on fans (floor, table) or air conditioners. 3. In Closedode to the street recommended to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics light color, it is desirable that the gate was not tight clothing, outdoors be sure to use the hat (hat, Panama, scarf, etc.), sunglasses, umbrellas. 4. The need for energy in the hot weather reduced, and therefore, the body in summerneed less calories in food. In the hottest period of time necessary to abandon fatty foods, meat consumption and minimize its best to replace fish or seafood. There should be reduction in the amount smoked, fried and perishable foods. Meals desirable to eliminate the hottest time of the day and move them tomorning and evening. You must especially adhere to hygienic and technological requirements of cooking and storing food. 5. In order to prevent dehydration is recommended to use a large amount of liquid: tea, mineral water, juice, lactic acid drinks with low-fat, decoctions of dried fruits, fortified beverages, avoidingconsumption of carbonated beverages and liquids with a high sugar content, energy and alcoholic beverages. 6. To meet drinking regime should drink 1.5 liters of fluid a day. At the same time, remember that increasing the number of water consumption is not necessary for people with kidney disease and cardiovascular system. To maintain immunity, theekomenduyetsya consumption of fruits and vegetables thoroughly with water before use guaranteed quality. 7. Throughout the day recommended if possible to take a shower with cool water. 8. Travel transport should be limited or schedule them in the morning or evening when the heat subsides. 9. Visiting the shops, cinemas and other facilities mass-term accumulation of citizens should be given preference to those of them, which provided air conditioning. 10. Bathing water treatment and outdoor conducted only in areas designated and equipped for this purpose, subject to the rules of the organization bathing. 11. Serious danger hot summers may conceal the air conditioning. Jetsicy air that is able to undermine whatever good health in any sort of heat. Signs of overheating, pale skin or facial flushing, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, apathy. The victim shakes, it is disconnected, shortness of breath, rapid pulse. Sometimes overheating occurs quite suddenly, then he immediately losesconsciousness. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
