In Zhytomyr police have detained three hmelchan with amber

July 23 the police detained the car VAZ-2103 in which there were three residents of Khmelnitsky region. In the view of cars seized about a pound of stones, probably amber, and shovels. Progress check. During one raid interagency groups to combat illegalth Olevsk amber mining in the area police found a vehicle that belongs to 24-year-old city. Khmelnitsky. From the trunk of a car during the inspection seized almost 500 grams stones, similar to amber, and three spades. Pre-installed the driver, along with 44-year and 18-year-old Khmelnytsky engaged in illegal miningmineral resources on the territory of the tract Olevschyny. For the given fact initiated criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 240 (violation of safety rules or use of mineral resources) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Continuing clarify all circumstances. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
