Zhytomyr region: a day in the region were 5 cases of dry vegetation fire

23 July at 13:00 on the item called ’ communication 6th State Fire and Rescue village of Brusilov was reported suhoctoyu fire near the district center. Fire found a local resident, he is called to the rescue « 101 ». Upon arrival to the site of rescue call ’ yasuvaly burning dry grass in the area of ??2.5 hectares and flame ’ I spread toward the houses. Could Eliminate fire at 15:10, thus saved the home. The same day, the region has recorded four cases of dry vegetation fire: in Luginsky, Ovrutskom, so Olevskand Ruzhin areas. Firefighters managed to respond quickly, not allowing the fire to spread. Flame ’ pits destroyed 1.3 hectares roslynnosti.Zahyblyh and injured there. Currently all events the circumstances set specialists. In general, from the beginning, this is not the first instances of dead wood fire in open areas. With this in mind, the Office DSNS LMO in Ukrainetomyrskiy region warned to be particularly careful when dealing with fire in the hot season, clean the available focus from dry grass and debris. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/