At the Ternopil regional council supported the publishing publishing projects 6

Regional Meeting of publishing council of Ternopil Regional State Administration and of Ternopol Regional Council on 22 July. On the agenda addressed the issue of regional changes in the publishing and editorial-board expert group publishing regional council; decspare fifth convocation Standing Committee of the Ternopil Regional Council on spirituality, culture, freedom of expression and information from June 2015 . 573 "On approval of the use of program funds the development of publishing and information space Ternopil region 2014 - 2016", and reviewed and discussed the application of candidates - Mrretendentiv the allocation of funds. A minute of silence present paid tribute vydavchnychoyi council member, chairman of the regional organization NSPU Eugene Bezkorovayna. As informed the chief specialist of information of regional state administrations, regional secretary of the publishing council Olga Grinchuk accordance with the common goal of orderOva Regional State Administration and the regional council of the Regional Council imposed publishing Head of Information of Regional State Administration Oleg Udych, head of Ternopil regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Oleksandr Smyk, the head of the Standing Committee of Regional Council Budget Committee AlexanderSandra Stadnik. Also from the publishing council removed Eugene Bezkorovayna, Vladimir Slyuzara, Hope Turchin. Then deputy chairman of the regional council, co-chairman of the regional council Oleg publishing Boberskyi put to the vote the proposed draft decision on the allocation of funds for projects copyright. Members of the regional council supported publishingand these publishing projects: p / p Name and surname of the applicant (author) Title Date of application The literary and art magazines, anthologies, collections and collections 1. Decision of the Standing Committee of Regional Council on spirituality, culture, freedom of expression and information of 4 June 2015 . 573 Literary and art magazine "Literary Ternopil"04/06/2015 p. 10.000 USD. 2. Decision of the Standing Committee of Regional Council on spirituality, culture, freedom of expression and information of 4 June 2015 . 573 Literary and art magazine "Golden Pectoral" 04/06/2015 p. 10.000 USD. 3. Decision of the Standing Committee of Regional Council on spirituality, culture, freedom of expression and information 4 thrvnya 2015 . 573 Literary and artistic Almanac "hut" 04/06/2015 p. 10.000 USD. 4. Zenoviy Hladchuk - chairman of the volunteer organization "Union soldiers and volunteers ATO" Power of Ukraine ", compiled "Memo for military families ATO" (rehabilitation after the war) 04/16/2015 p. 5.000 UAH. 5. Varakuta Alexander - head Ternopilskoyi regional organization "Union of Officers of Ukraine" Boris Bezrutchenka poetry collection for men ATO "Nobody but us!" 06/18/2015 p. 3.000 UAH. 6. Basil Vitenko - Director Ternopil Oblast Library Bibliographic Index "Literature to significant and memorable dates of Ternopil in 2016" 04/13/20'15 3.000 UAH. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
