In Khmelnytsky perepohovayut Soviet soldiers in
Viitivtsi the recommendation of the Regional Interagency Commission for perpetuating the memory of victims of war and political repression at the next session of the village council Viytovetskoyi (Volochisskiy district) decided on the need for the reburial of the remains of soldiers killed in a mass grave in the center of the settlement punktu. July 22 under the direction of first deputy head of district administration Vawkavysk V.Kovalya held the inaugural meeting of the district committee on the issue of reburial of the remains of Soviet soldiers in the village Viitivtsi. As a result the search field work group of experts Khmelnytsky regional department of cultural prosvitnytswho Charitable Society "Memorial" them. Stus as directed by local residents found the remains of the 21st Soviet soldier and officer of the 24th Mechanized Corps who defended heroically from Nazi invaders strategic rail and highway nodes near the village Viitivtsi 7 July 1941. Due to the postmortem label honeyalyoniv able to identify nine fighters. District committee composed of representatives of district administration departments, district councils, local authorities, military district commissioner, chairman of the district council of veterans, law enforcement agencies, inter Derzhsanepidemsluzhby management approved an action plan for the exhumation, temporary Saveihannya and ceremonial reburial of fallen soldiers the proper ritual. Department of Culture to prepare the necessary documents and apply for the regional body of cultural heritage permit dopohovannya monument to the history of local importance. Works to be completed by 15 October this year.The reburial of the remains of Soviet soldiers is of particular symbolism, including at the state level celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazism in Europe. Reported atSource: