In Vinnitsa region carried out intensified control of shipments of heavy and bulky cargo (+ photos)

In order to maintain public roads, as required by Decree of the Head of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration from 15.06.2015 359 "On measures for the preservation of public roadsI "on the road network carried Vinnichiny Overall and weight control. Ukrtransinspektsiyi workers, with the participation of travel companies and the State, in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.06.2007 879 "On measures for the preservation of public roads" is carried Co.ntrol for compliance by drivers of vehicles marker and weight parameters when traffic. Ukrtransbezpekoyu in coordination with the traffic police determined the place of control. Specific conditions for traffic determined by the owner of public roads. 3 A joint group of the mobile, which includes WORKERivnyky Ukrtransinspektsiyi and the State. Service roads in the Vinnytsia region introduced restrictions on the movement of heavy vehicles with total weight over 24 t., Axle load more than 7 tons. 10 hours. up to 22 hours. during the increase in air temperature over + 28 degrees. Focus drivers and owners of freightwheel vehicle according to the requirements of paragraph. 2.41 of traffic rules Ukraine, in the places of Overall and weight control, at the request of such officer or employee of paragraph MIA driver must stop and pass by to check documents and provide a vehicle for weighing or dimensional control in the manner prescribed by law.In case of on stationary or mobile or automatic weighing paragraphs violation passage of heavy and / or bulky vehicles such vehicles are temporarily delayed in accordance with Article 265-2 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences. In addition, the drivers - violators will be applied CimaLee penalties. Therefore, we recommend to business transport of heavy and bulky goods comply with the established order of freight and in excess of permitted headroom and weight parameters mandatory advance contact the Road Service in Vinnytsya region and GAI, through recreational centers for atholding the necessary approvals. Additional information by phone: Ukrtransinspektsiya: Tel. +38 (0432) 67-13-12 Tel. +38 (0432) 67-13-14 Service roads: Tel. +38 (0432) 67-13-00 Fax: +38 (0432) 67-01-92 State car: Tel. +38 (0432) 59-40-49 According to traffic police Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnytsia region Reported to ItHold a RSA
