In Ternopil Stepan Barna thanked police officers for the organization and for the professionalism during the pilgrimage in Zarvanytsya
Head of Regional State Administration Stepan Barna took part in the board meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ternopil region, which was held on 21 July. "Thank you for organization, professionalism, conscientious performance of officialobov`zkiv, assist in ensuring the rule of law - said the head of the province. - It is through coordinated roboyi all structures pilgrimage was navidminno. " Recall that more than three hundred police officers, soldiers spetsbatalyonu "Ternopil", Explosives, dog handlers, doctors, social activists and rescuers ensure public order in the territory of the village.Zarvanytsya, which lasted 18-19 July and Ukrainian youth pilgrimage. In the spiritual center operated around the clock operational headquarters, which coordinated the work of all law enforcement agencies. This enabled law enforcement to quickly assess the situation and respond to it immediately. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: