Honored Journalist of Ukraine, writer Alexander Dmitruk compiled a list of famous people whose names can be given to streets and towns of Vinnitsa region

Local authorities are prepared to Parliament proposals for the renaming of towns and villages, streets are named in honor of the Soviet past. Relevant work Vinnichchine Start navigationelse the entry into force of the law on discommunization. Actively involved in making proposals for the renaming of streets and settlements, which are used in the names of names or aliases communist leaders of the USSR and the Union republics, from the office of district secretary and higher. Thus, in the Vinnitsa region honored journalist of Ukraine, Mr.ysmennyk Alexander Dmitruk compiled a list of persons whose names can be named street in Vinnytsia region. By the author list of a journalist who published on the official website of State Administration in the "Outstanding figure Vinnitsa region" includes prominent historical figures that were related to skirts. The complete list can acquaintysya to: http://www.vin.gov.ua/web/vinoda.nsf/web_alldocs/Doc%D0%9B%D0%9C%D0%9B%D0%A79YNFRS. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/