At Vinnytsia church volunteers and soldiers awarded the medals ATO (+ photos)

July 21 the feast of Our Lady of Kazan Reverend Michael Bishop Vinnytsia and Bratslav, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret awarded medal 55 inhabitants of Vinnitsa, nine 'yatoh soldiers - posthumously. 18 awards receivedTrostyanetskogo area residents, most of whom - volunteers. Among the famous volunteers - editor of the regional newspaper "Trostyanetsky news" Anatoly Savchenko, who along with other fellow volunteers nearly two dozen times visited the area with transfers to ATU mobilized countrymen. Also, the church received awards dead relatives residents area. TSerkVNA award - medal "For the sacrifice and love for Ukraine" was established at the beginning of this year. She awarded to people who have shown active citizenship, heroism, self-sacrifice during the events of the Revolution dignity in defending the homeland in the Donbas and Crimea, as well as voluntary activities and help the Armed Forces, National Hvaractions of the Volunteer battalions and other military formations of Ukraine. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
