Ternopil region: war makes itself forget

In the village Large Tags Ternopil region continue to find ammunition times past wars. Yes, July 20, in the area of ??work group pyrotechnic rescue special unit of DSNS in Ukraine in the Ternopil region revealed and focused in a safe place foI further destruction of explosive remnants of the Second World War, namely a high-explosive and incendiary stokilohramovu a bomb. Citizens of the city ’ Yatai to disaster happens, follow the safety rules in detecting explosive devices. If you have found an object that resembles ammunition from outside or is unknown, no torqueaytesya it. The degree of danger of explosive things can only define professional pyrotechnics. They also make decisions about the future of suspicious objects. Place where found dangerous discovery, and the fence should organize its protection, so no one was able to stumble on it by accident. Stop any Agriculturalki or other work in this area. On a suspicious object should immediately inform DSNS unit by calling 101. calls from your mobile to short number are free. Useful may also representatives of local governments, which have instructions on civil protection in conditions arisespare emergency.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/