Work with professionals in designing reservoirs

World of translation : Construction
, 19:54

these days you can arrange in a private house or in the country? Kitchen garden with fruit, lawn for games, a summer kitchen, it can be realized with even a small plot. And don't forget about pond. Thanks to him you can create a comfortable area to relax and also transform the house. Or you can build a beautiful fountain. In addition, the pond will suit for divorce of fish and plants. However, that facility has served more than one year and not bothered with problems, you need to order specialists. Company Avangard-Aqua has the skills and experience to the design and construction of water reservoirs of any complexity. You expect professionalism, and competitive prices.

Extensive design capabilities

through the use of advanced tools during the development of water resources can be used any ideas. The area around can be supplemented with statues, plants and various outbuildings from the bridge to the porch. The pond may be square, oval, located on different levels. You can still install lighting, thanks to which you will enjoy water at any time of the day.

Work with the masters

employees of the company Avangard-Aqua suitable for the process of the construction thoroughly and professionally. We are developing a project for the construction of a pond step by step, taking into account customer requests and based on rich experience. Experts pre-select the solutions with narrow regions in the maintenance of the pond in the future. The development plan consists of:

  • Development documents;
  • the
  • visualization of the object on topographic criteria;
  • the
  • Preparation of calculations on the required materials.

We provide proven techniques with an official guarantee exclusively European brands from their large warehouse in Moscow. Contact us!

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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