Birthday celebration traditions

Мир переводов : Искусство
, 11:03

The most popular song in the world is dedicated to this event, in ancient Egypt only the pharaoh could afford such a holiday, in honor of this day, some African tribes plant date trees and celebrate no more than once every 8-13 years!

Such traditions are not strange, but rather the personification of the originality and importance of the birthday celebration, which is considered a small "celebration of one's name". And if you are looking for beautiful birthday greetings, then you need to go to the site, because that is where you will find everything you need.

A day in the circle of close people and friends

But now few people know that birthdays were not always celebrated. It is believed that people started celebrating birthdays in ancient times on the European continent, so they were afraid of black magic and believed that it was on this day that the human soul was most vulnerable to curses and spells, so they tried to spend this day in the circle of loved ones and friends who instead of curses, they used kind words and wishes, which served as protection against black magic.

Today, birthday is one of the most favorite holidays of both adults and children in our world. Since the history of its celebration is so many centuries old, the traditions and rituals associated with it in different continents and countries differ from each other.

Although so many years have passed since ancient times, but before them, the traditional tradition of celebrating a birthday is associated with influencing evil forces and attracting good luck. For example, in Canada, a noun is ambushed, after which the tip of his nose is smeared with oil or margarine, so that trouble does not stick to him, but simply slips off his nose! At this, relatives and friends do not calm down and lightly punch the birthday boy in the chest for every year he has lived, and then give another blow - for good luck!
In Africa, they perform an initiation ceremony. It turned out that the child will pass 1 series of tests for endurance, strength, endurance and stability. The second part of the ceremony is an examination, during which knowledge of the laws, beliefs, customs and dances of the tribe is tested. A comforting fact for young Africans is the fact that such a ceremony lasts only once in a lifetime, and in some tribes the birthday is celebrated once every 8-13 years.

Автор: Мир переводов
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    TheFailureKing - 17.03.2023, 19:46
    Мені нарвится стиль викладу
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    anderdn - 12.07.2023, 11:42
    Спасибо огромное!
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    onezeroone - 12.07.2023, 12:11
    Готов дискутировать по теме?
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    Zeka75 - 12.07.2023, 12:50
    Видно, що автор намагається зробити свій сайт для простих людей, і мені кажеться, що це у нього непогано виходить.
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    denis_kv - 12.07.2023, 13:19
    Коротше, справа до ночі. Після статті реально розморило ... Пішов спати.
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    youtgus - 12.07.2023, 13:43
    решил помочь и расшарил статью в соц. сетях
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    KlausMorgan - 12.07.2023, 14:16
    Через некоторое время Ваша статья станет популярной. Запомните мои слова.
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    M3mT7o - 12.07.2023, 14:41
    Дуже хороший пост! Дякую за виконану роботу!
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    FuturumAurora - 12.07.2023, 15:18
    ух ты как крууууууууууутооооооо))