What reflexes

World of translation : Medicine
, 18:56

The world in which we live is quite diverse, and each day presents us with new and new surprises, kotorye have to react somehow (adequate or inadequate is another question). In fact, all our life, all that we do - it is a complex reaction of the body in response to events. This reaction may be sensible or insensible (unconscious), but in fact, and in another case, uniquely controlled by the nervous system hThe person. In fact, it is a complex response of the organism to external stimuli, which the scientific community is called reflexes. For the first time the concept of science emerged in the XVII century in the works of one of the greatest scientists of the world - Rene Descartes. However, in its present form the concept of reflexes formed in the works of outstanding Physiologicalgov Setchenov and then Pavlov.

The concept of reflex and its mechanism

As mentioned above, any reflex is the body's response to any external factor. In fact, the reflex is the main form of manifestation of the nervous system of humans. With the concept of reflex closely associated notionment or nerve reflex arc, that is, the mechanism of formation and implementation of reflexes, the real path of the nerve impulse from the receptor to the brain and back to the body.

Classification reflexes

Given the diversity of human life, as well as the conditions in which it takes place, it is quite logicalof the amount of reflections and their diversity is sufficiently large. The physiological practice, the most common is the classification of reflexes on the following main criteria:

  1. Type Education . This is the most common and most global criterion division reflexiveowls. According to him, there are unconditioned reflexes (congenital) and conditional (acquired). The first group comprises the reaction of the nervous system, which is genetically incorporated in the body and determining its behavior in response to vital stimuli. They can still be called instincts (for example, the instinct of self-preservation, procreation needof food, etc.). The second group includes the reflexes that the body acquires in the course of his life. From the point of view of science - a reaction to the constantly repeated stimuli that, nevertheless, do not have critical importance for the life (the most famous example of this reflex - an experiment with Pavlov's dog).A detailed comparison of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, visit the website:;
  2. type receptor . According to this criterion there are three kinds of reflexes: exteroceptive (from the systems of touch), interoceptive (from the internal organs), proprioceptive (from musculoskeletal);
  3. View effector , that is, the body responds to reflexes . According to this criterion isolated somatic and autonomic reflexes;
  4. The biological significance . The criterion determining the role of reflection in human life. According to this criterion there are protective reflexes, digestiveie, sex, orientation, and other.



our nervous system - it is a deep well in which we, unfortunately or fortunately, has not yet seen the bottom, but the study of reflexes, we are able to understand it much better.

Author: World of translation
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