At Vinnytsia Regional Surgery Center receives financial support (+ photos)

for a working visit to the Regional surgical center, at the Vinnytsia Oblast hospital named after Pirogov, Igor came Ivasjuk - Deputy Head of Regional State Administration, Director of the State Administration of Education and Tatiana Womanizer - director oftor of the Department of Health Vinnytsia Regional State Administration together with his deputy, Chief of treatment and preventive care, HR Dmitry Belous. The purpose of the visit - Troubleshooting hospital funding and its future work. The meeting dealt with the gradual completion of construction RobIT and partial funding for the acquisition in 2015 of medical equipment for the regional budget. We know that work on the construction and equipping of the Regional Hospital Surgical been going on for years. "The newly-built regional center half surgical room is ready fully earned first branch - interventionstion radiology. Organization Ltd. "Vinnytsyabud" fulfilled all construction and finishing works and installed modern angiographic apparatus TOSHIBA INFINIX VF-i / S station hemodynamic studies HORIZON XVu. The device is equipped with the latest innovative digital components. In the interventional radiology department has conducted more than 200 atperazim, "- said the chief doctor of the regional hospital. Alexander Pirogov County. Only Vinnytsia regional surgical center is 4 departments: cardiovascular surgery, urology, traumatology department and abdominal surgery, also operating center equipped with 15 and 240 beds. For example, now in the Regional Hospital. Pyrohova annually spent 18 thousand operations and treated 26,000 patients. In 2015, the regional budget allocated 2.01 mln., Including: 1.9 million to pay for heat supply in the body for surgery, and - 110.0 thousand - a system of protection. The management of the medical institution plans to soon equip diagnostic department and officesI accept the patients. "We will try to provide all the necessary surgical center. If started yet this year - it will help to complete it as soon as possible. It saves time and ensure efficiency of work to further equip the facility, "- said Igor Ivasjuk. The first two floors of the hospital spodivayeARE equip and put into operation for the 100th anniversary of the hospital. Pirogov in 2016. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
