Ministry of Education approved a new procedure for determining school medalists

Ministry of Education approved a new Regulation on the gold medal and silver medal, establishing the mechanism of rewarding students for academic achievement. The corresponding order signed by the Minister of Education and has already passed the registration procedure at the Ministry of Justice, says Adoption of the new regulation on the gold medal and silver medal caused by the need to bring legal acts in compliance with the laws of Ukraine. Previous position to award students for academic achievement is declared invalid. The document stipulates that the award honors « Forhigh academic achievement » and a silver medal « For achievements in teaching » is a kind of moral stimulation of graduates of general secondary education of all types and forms of ownership. List of candidates for awarding gold or silver medals determined by the head of the institution on the results RIchnoho assessment in Grade 10 and 11 classes the first semester and approved at a meeting of pedagogical Board through the decision. Students who are unable to confirm the results of educational achievement in grade 10 with circumstances beyond their control (teaching in schools in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, in some areass Donetsk and Lugansk on whose territory the public authorities temporarily exercise or not exercise full powers, etc.) are awarded gold and silver medals on the results of educational achievement in grade 11. Regulations established that gold medal awards will graduates that period Mr.avchannya in high school achieved high academic success and the results of the semester, the annual assessment and final certification must state academic achievement scores of 10-12 subjects of the curriculum (except persons enrolled for external studies). Silver medal awards will graduates who during their studies inhigh school success and achieved good results for the semester, the annual assessment and DPA with academic achievement scores of 10-12 and a sufficient level (not less than 9 points) of no more than two subjects of the curriculum. The decision to award applicants gold or silver medals must be made at a joint meeting of pedagogical councilsand board and educational institution. To be awarded medals will be able pupils who continue to obtain full secondary education in vocational and higher educational institutions I-II levels of accreditation. The document stipulates that improve results by adjusting the semester evaluation provides no basis for awarding vypus???? gold or silver medal. Also, applicants for awarding a gold or silver medal can not be exempt from the state final examination, with a few exceptions. Told
