In Zhytomyr oblast staff training and methodological center for Civil Protection and Fire Life Safety conducted training for employees Children's Hospital

March 24 at the Central City Children's Hospital of Zhitomir staff training and methodological center had fire-fighting training. Chairman of the purpose of the event – is pidtrymka to date and professional training of medical and psycho-physiological attendants City Children's Hospital for the implementation of successful actions related to reaction to fire, its localization and liquidation. Training consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. A training centers SMC RCD and BC RyeZhytomyr Oblast Rose ’ yasnyly medical procedure in case of fire and evacuation of people. Staff and patients Central City Children's Hospital were awarded city ’ monuments and leaflets on fire theme. Work out the procedure in case of fire and evacuation of patients, medical staff had an opportunity during the practicalthe first part of training. At the same time everybody practiced their skills on how to use fire extinguishers to extinguish the conditional fire. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
