In Lutsk held a public discussion on the possible increase in prices for travel in taxi

at the "round table" met carriers Lutsk, NGO representatives, management, transport and communications, the Antimonopoly Committee to discuss higher prices for travel in taxis. Deputy cityiskoho head Taras Yakovlev reminded that fares last increased in May 2014. Now in the bus fare is - 2.50, on four routes - 3.00 USD. The cost of fuel at the time was 13.90 USD per liter, now the average price for diesel fuel more than 18 USD. Taras Yakovlev invited participants to express withing proposals for new tariffs and quality of road transport. Acting. head of the Volyn regional territorial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine Sergey Meadow noted that this issue was studied. He considers it necessary to express gratitude for carriers of the problems that have developed in the state, and they are now withoutprofits. And the proposed new tariff rate will be 3 almost completely spent fuel and do not cover the cost to upgrade vehicles. Children left he proposed fare 1 USD. His arguments for improving expressed fare carriers. They told me that the price of spare parts has increased threefold. If the dollar is on the Riverivni 26 USD, and the cost of fuel per liter will be 21 - 21 UAH 5, then have to make new calculations. They noticed that Luck among the last among cities in Ukraine raises the cost of fares in road transport. Carriers requested fare for children raised to 1.5 USD, then it will be half that for adultsthem. This will help them survive in these difficult conditions. Also, carriers were the only ones that need to raise fares. NGO representatives also discussed keeping passengers ethics drivers and optimization of traffic. Perhaps, at the announcement of new tenders have to reduce the number of buses on the routemax. Proposals have been made during the public hearing will be considered in the preparation of a draft decision on the meeting of the Executive Committee. This was reported in Lutsk City Council
