Lviv Irish dance dancing and urge spring. Poster

this weekend Lviv Theatre invited to review the premiere performances and cinema - discuss Ukrainian-American film about marriage to foreigners. And that's not the only surprise for moviegoers. They bring to the innovations of Italian cinema. Fans are active modpochynku in Shevchenko Grove will meet the spring, and the dancers - to witness the event with Irish dancing. Irish dancing. Photo: And that's not all that Lviv is preparing for the weekend. On the other fun activities can be found in our bills. March 14 in the UK « Grace » held the first open competition of Irish dancing in Lviv, uconducted under the auspices of World Irish Dance Association. On Saturday, travelers Stulnikov Alexander and Anastasia Chmil in Come In 17.00 share the secrets of how not to die of starvation in Vienna to become Italian pasta and not hate that favorite place and why Italians Kokchserfinh was our guide for Italy. On Sunday in LvivPalace of Arts at 12:00 Yuri Gnatkovsky zaprezentuye design « Ukraine Feel & raquo ;. It offers modern Ukraine to learn about this as it is not only visually, but literally – the touch. MUSEUMS The National Museum in Lviv Andrey Sheptytsky March 15 held a master class « nominal Create icons » fromLviv artist Ulyana Nyschuk-Borisyak. On Sunday in the Shevchenko Grove urge spring. There is also a: Tour « Hear bird & raquo ;, Activity Ornithological Exhibition « Birds of Western Ukraine and exotic parrots & raquo ;, and the interactive lectures game simulate the sounds of birds whistlers – long the Musictheir tools and interesting workshops with production figures of birds. THEATRES sabbath REPERTOIRE At 18.00 in Lviv Opera will « & raquo ;, Traviata and in the theater Zankovetskoy « Vij, a breeze! & Raquo ;. In the theater Ukrainian Lesia can see 18.00 « Anti-Formalist Rayok & raquo ;. In Theater « &Resurrectionraquo; will premiere ’ performances Pierre « Behind the door & raquo ;. On Saturday and Sunday it will show at 18.00. In the theater, you can see the performance Kurbasa « Amnesia, marital or small crimes & raquo ;. Start – 19.00. In the First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth will play at 15.00 « Chyeryevichki & raquo ;. Theatre « and People and Puppets » 12.00, 14.00 show « Pichkuryka & raquo ;. SUNDAY REPERTOIRE At noon Lviv Opera House show « Magic steel & raquo ;, and at 18.00 – &Laquo; Le Corsaire & raquo ;. At 18.00 Zankovetskoy Theatre invites you to « Vij, a breeze! & Raquo ;. Theatre Lesia Ukrainian noon invites kids to play « Lost & tailraquo ;, and at 18.00 the show DIVKA. Theatre Kurbasa call at 19.00 on « Formula ecstasy & raquo ;. At 15.00 First Ukrainian Theatre for Young Audiences show « Wizard of Oz & raquo ;. Theatre « and People and Puppets » 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 invites to « Snow Queen & raquo ;. MUSIC On Saturday at 18.00 Lviv filarmoniya invites to « Piano Improvisation & raquo ;. At 18.00 in Lviv Philharmonic will present an international project of art song « Singing for Equinox » involving bards of Ukraine and Poland. EXHIBITIONS Yesterday in Lviv Palace of Arts opened a two-day international exhibition « Higher Education 2015 & raquo ;. There areOver 30 schools and educational centers. Visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with universities in Poland and Ukraine, get advice from their representative, and learn about the various study abroad programs, scholarships and grants. In Lviv Palace of Arts can see an exhibition of paintings by Victor Eugene Potapov and Hadzhynova. Nagan ode to opening day was the anniversary of both hodozhnykiv – 50th Anniversary of Victor Hadzhynova and the 65th anniversary of Eugene Potapov. The gallery « Something interesting » the exhibition of graphic works by Ulyana Mykhalchuk « A sort of a & raquo ;. The exhibition presents twenty-four sheets. They are made from nature, but not established in the academic styleand. This pastiche of lines and shapes resulting capture creative artist famous Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. MOVIE Week of Italian cinema. What a girlfriend. The session will be held at 19:00 on March 14. Francesco and Claudia, young, beautiful and successful, – friends do not spill water for many years. But once she meets with Georgeovanni, and he starts dating her, and soon calls are married. Understand Me If You Can. The session will be held at 19:00 on 15 March. Aria – cool girl who knows how to make friends and stylish dress, but her terribly lonely. Cartoon &Laquo; Tale of jungle & raquo ;. Animals – residents National Park near Bombay – zustrichayutb bright sunny morning the singing of birds. Suddenly idyllic picture of wildlife gives a terrible roar. This, destroying everything in its path, jungle attacking a man on a bulldozer. In place of the beautiful grove people put a sign: it is building a residential complex. Mortally frightened animals at night going to the council. Young leopard Yuvi hot reperforms adults not to leave their homes. &Laquo; Hot Shots » warrior monkey Bahranzhi ready to declare war on the deadly intruder, but the guru in Conflict, Bear Buggy offers to negotiate with people in the good. Domesticated parrot Alex decides to join friends to be a translator. Motley company embarks on a longa trip to the capital. Through mountains and rivers, trains and trucks to find the boss and give him his request. On the way out ’ yasovuyetsya that not only their home but also housing thousands of animals in danger. In the final exciting adventure various animals become friends since their about ’ united struggle for the common house. &Laquo; Booksand life & raquo ;. Full-length cartoon Events « Book of Life » place in a fantastic, incredibly colorful world where lives youth named ’ I Manolo. Events in his life are such that he had to be torn between the expectations of his family ’ th and desires of his heart. Before you choose the path that will be his fate,Cartoon hero goes to an incredible journey through the amazing worlds where he will meet with their greatest fears and concerns. &Laquo; Barbie Super Princess & raquo ;. Kara – modern princess who lives an ordinary life. But after kissing magic butterfly Kara discovers that has magical powers and can convertyuvatysya in Super Princess that flies throughout the kingdom and ready to defeat any evil. However, her jealous cousin catches a butterfly and also transformed – but in Dark Princess! Fighting princesses heated to the limit, but learning that the kingdom of ’ real serious enemy appeared, about whether they ’ united in one comAndouill?, forgetting past differences? From a bird's eye we see that the most powerful force – This is the power of friendship! NEW RELEASES &Laquo; blind date » (Comedy). Sandro – 40-year-old history teacher from Tbilisi, who still lives with his parents. He was unlucky with women, but after many failed dates Sandro finally meets Manswell and falls in love. Soon, however, from ’ is the odd man – Manana man who has just retired from a ’ prison. The three of them on a journey hidden side of Tbilisi – not brilliant « travel » the city as of leaflets and labyrinth bowed windows and gray Soviet neighborhoods where people live, whichstill believe in love. &Laquo; marry a foreigner » (Drama, family). A film about the downside of business marriage agencies in Ukraine. The story of the lonely American men traveling to Ukraine in search of wives. Director accompanies marriage tour – from ordering to marriage. &Laquo; Unexpected Business » (Comedy). A hard-workinglasnyk small businesses and two of his colleagues sent to Europe to conclude a major deal in their lives. But ordinary business trip turned eventually into something incredible. &Laquo; Robot Chappi » (Action, Thriller). Chappi – prodigy. Like any other child, he falls under the influence of their environment, and only his heart and soulhelp him find his way. But there is one thing that makes Chappi unlike any other: it – first robot able to feel and think. &Laquo; frozen » (Thriller). Robert Saunders, an ordinary mechanic, passed out on his birthday and woke up in the freezer. On ’ s thugs appeared start blaming it on forradizhtsi eight million dollars. To Robert quickly gave the money, the bandits begin to torture him cold. The temperature falls. Fear grows. Before Robert a choice, freezing cold or be killed by Russian gangsters, as it is still alive not released. But maybe there is a third option? .. &Laquo; Superforsazh » (Comedy). Kings foromediyi back in service. This time about ’ object of parody was « forsazhna » franchise and other films about race, robbery and cool cars. Even funnier jokes, irony even tougher density gegov – even higher. &Laquo; OLD » NEW RELEASES &Laquo; marriage contract » (Romance, Comedy). Meech and Elizabeth met in college. Andm, they became good friends. Secretly from Elizabeth Meech was in love with her, but could not bring himself to say it. After college Elizabeth or a joke, or seriously dropped the phrase: « If in 10 years none of us will find a mate, we get married & raquo ;. It so happened that in ten years Meech never dared to marry. Still not forgetting Elizabem, he decided to visit her. &Laquo; Cinderella » (Fantasy, drama, romance, adventure, family). The father of a young girl named ’ i Ella, a widower, married again, and soon Ella left alone with greedy and envious new relatives – Lady Tremeyn stepmother and her daughter Anastasia and Drizelloyu. From the hostess ton becomes a maid, forever contaminated ash, for which he receives from his quarrelsome consolidated sisters nicknamed – Cinderella. Despite the trouble that fell to its lot, Cinderella zneviryuyetsya not, because even in the most difficult moments is something that helps her to think of a good example, a chance meeting on forest path with prekrashis youth. Ella did not suggest that met the prince himself and soon fairy-godmother forever change her life for the better. &Laquo; Kingdom Beauty » (Drama). Luc – brilliant young architect, whose talent is not recognized. Its fully satisfying marriage to Stephanie, their calm, measured relationship. Life seems perfect until Luke,until one day at a symposium in Toronto, he meets a mysterious stranger who changes his entire fortune. &Laquo; 50 shades of gray » (Erotic thriller). Anastacia Steel – modest student who lives with his close friend, classmate Kate. A week before graduation at the University of Anastacia, at the request of the patient Kate replace it, isInterview ’ S a young handsome billionaire Christian Grey. Interviews ’ S consists not very good, and Anastacia did not think that they ever meet again. Suddenly, with Gray ’ is a hardware store where she works seller. Their acquaintance continues and Anastacia gradually learns the secret of sexual delight bugAtia. &Laquo; Kingsman. Secret Service » (Action, Comedy, Crime, Adventure). Jerry – young guy who took service in the Marine Corps and has a very high level of intelligence. He could achieve a lot, but chose a different path and became a criminal fine. Once he met Harry Hart, who once saved his fatherlife. This person decides to do everything possible to make life better and Jerry open for him new opportunities. Harry told him that the secret agent is an independent organization that is protecting the world. He suggested that the boy be trained and become a new member of their team. Jerry Hart accepted the offer, but whether he IDPsonto his all tests and justify his hopes. &Laquo; skidded » (Action, Thriller, Comedy, Crime). The film tells about incidents in Lithuania four British – Michael, Johnny, Ben and Tim. After a successful raid in London underground casino, « four glorious » sits on a plane flying to Malaysia. Lettingssupposed, everything is going according to plan. But ... No one could have predicted the volcano Eyyaf Arts ’ yadlayekyudl eruption which forced the plane to sit down with the British in Vilnius. Moreover, in addition to local fights and adventures in all parts of the body, friends have to escape from thirsty for revenge owner robbed the casino. Told
