&Quot; Decoding the transcript of the weekly meetings of the Mayor ... " - Alexander Tambourine, deputy Ivano-Frankivsk City Council,

vnefraktsionny Ideally, the people elect the mayor to he represented their interests and doing good for the community. Our mayor has chosen its own unique way, in fact, becoming mayor only two-thirds of residents - thosewho serves DMP "Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo." Unprofitable problem, but a "native" in terms of access to financial flows and grants for Victor Anushkevychus utilities. The mayor openly lobbying interests of utility companies, infusing him with the city budget million, 800 thousand. - In 2012, 1 million. USD. - In 2013, 4 million. - 2014th. It supports get it now unprofitable foreign currency loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in a crisis time for us, while promising to "put his shoulder," that is the city budget, and without specifying how the city will return these debts. And it does nothing to make it profitable,and heating service - quality and competitive. After all, for all time of "government", he never stopped disconnecting individual consumers from district heating or people or companies, institutions, but rather only by inaction contributed to this process. This led to the imbalance in the directly affected the quality of servicesand accordingly resulted in lower income business service providers. Two finger his term he did not hit about finger to stimulate the accession of new buildings to district heating, as it did in neighboring Lviv. This would allow heat to companies not only "native" utility, but "stepson" stack develop, Inc.adat funds to reconstruct and improve the quality of public services. It in no way contributed in bringing down of the collapsed of internal networks, most of which is now on the balance of municipal "ICC" (former ZHEO) and distribution networks utility companies, which are in poor condition. After all, most of the problems andaccidents during the heating season happens with inner networks - inside the house, the second highest accident rate - network distribution utility companies, the third - the main owners, including a stack and heating companies. Over the years, Victor Andryusovych only formally declared support for the development of district heating, districtemovby deliberately forcing him into an even greater crisis. In order to distract attention from the problems of communal enterprise, he found a perfect sacrifice - a private company "Stanislavsky heat power company," turning each week working meeting on the Greek drama, where bad character always acts as a private stack. Unfortunately, except atratorskyh talent no longer mayor may not want no help, no surprise our city. Rather than negotiate and work together - it conflicts. Instead of thinking strategically - Takes inefficient local solutions. Watching his emotional and shortsighted actions, I conclude that the mayor was tired, he consciouslymo ceased to act as chairman wonderful city of Ivano-Frankivsk. It just falls short of the end of the term. I hope that the next mayor will be radically different that it would be full of power and ambition. What is he willing to replace nice conversation into concrete actions. I want to believe that in the future we will see an adequate strategy for the development of our city and strategichiyu of heat in our city. What in the utility sector will be real competition and that residents will be able to choose the best not the worst, but those whose service will be the best quality. What Ivano-Frankivsk will be what we want it to be - comfortable and energy efficient. But that will call for a new mayor, which, unfortunately, lenedetsya rake the fruit of years of inactivity predecessor. This was reported in Ivano-Frankivsk city council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/