Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Vinnitsa region continued awareness of the reforms carried out in the system of Justice

Ministry of Justice Ukraine concluded a six-month operation of electronic trading systems seized property (sets) and presented a number of changes in its work. One of the first areas that were involved in the project realizatsiyi electronic trading system of the seized property was Vinnytsia region. Logged on already published 49 thousand items totaling about 5.5 billion. As of January in sets conducted 38,500 auctions. Having statistics for six months, we can see that the average value of property in the bidding process only increased, which enabled amendedOSU implement seized property for an amount that was higher by an average of 12 percent relative to the starting price at the auction. These figures reflect a positive practice of sets, as previously cost items for sale, but declined. As a result, they passed people who were interested to buy on the cheap only certain categoriesher goods - such as real estate and cars. For six months in the sets were found a number of technical shortcomings, including congestion of the auction proceedings. Currently, these defects removed, the procedure is simplified and any citizen may or may not participate in this auction. Major changes to the order of powerThrone trades aimed at improving the system. It is about improving the quality of presentation of the information on this site. There will also be simplified procedure for the sale of property the value of which does not exceed 100 months wages (1700 USD). In addition, introduced a new procedure for bidding using special rates and useI digital signature is optional. Reduced paperwork and procedure successful bids. In the Ministry of Justice predict that due to these changes will increase the amount of the property at least 4 times. Electronic auction is an effective tool in the implementation of the arrested property. Electronic bidding significantly reduce the risks of corruptiondisplays, it reduces the pressure on the debtor by reducing its debt due to higher sales price of lots and speed up the search of potential buyers and creates healthy competition between them. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
