Vinnitsa region - in second place in Ukraine on the number of designated subsidies under the simplified procedure (+ photos)

under the simplified procedure for granting subsidies to the social security authorities appealed - 88,163 families. Among them are for subsidies - 71,686 families. In addition - 47,647 subsidy for families automatically without appeals. Another 28,000 962 cases are for revision. This was during a weekly meeting with the Head reported. about. Director of Social Policy Liudmyla Karataeva. "Among the families assigned to housing subsidies, which are a family destination is" zero "rate. This means that with the onset and heating period, the subsidy will beautomatically transferred without | subsydianta appeal. Note also that along with this only - 295 families denied designed subsidies. The main reason is the purchase of goods worth more than 50 thousand. Hryvnia, exceeding total income or residence without registration "- said Lyudmila Karataeva. Also, the official said that in April 20'15 State budget for the payment of housing benefits our area additionally allocated subvention in the amount of 340.3 million. UAH. The total amount of funds allocated for the payment of state financial support is 524.5 million. UAH, which is 423.9 mil. play. more than in 2014. In addition, Lyudmila Karataeva stressed that July 21acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 475 About simplification of the appointment and provision of housing subsidies." According to the document, from September 1, social security will take new application form and Declarations, production of which is assigned to JSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo" and JSC "Vinyytsyahaz" and ensure their deliverypopulation - the state enterprise of postal communication. Delivery must be provided before 1 September and 1 November. Finally Ludmila Karataeva noted that citizens who applied for the appointment of subsidies to the entry into force of this Regulation and which subsidy is not intended to 21 July this year, the calculation of the subsidy must taketaking into account the new changes. Summing heard, RSA chairman Valery Cow stressed the need to step up awareness campaign in this regard. He said all the residents of Vinnytsia, regardless they live in urban or rural areas, should be able to provide comprehensive information on charges and receivesing subsidies. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
