Body cleaning

World of translation : Health
, 14:15

Clear the body efficiently and correctly

People often wonder about how to effectively and properly to discharge day, the body without causing the slightest harm. Purify the body should be no more than 1 time a week, after selecting a suitable food. This may be a vegetable, fruit, juice or yogurt. It is important to know that fasting days are not allowed during periods of illness and recovery, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The presence of diabetes, chronic liver disease and kidney disease can also cause to abandon the fasting days.
If you decide to discharge day on apples, then you need to stock up 1.5 pounds of the fruit. The third part of this reserve has to be used in baked form. Baked apples contain more pectin than fresh. And it was the pectin contributes to effective cleansing of the body. Also note that sour apples are not for everyone (those who have increased the acidity of the stomach, it may be harmful). Buckwheat discharge day is ideal for those who have skin problems. During the day, eat lean buckwheat in an amount not more than 1.5 kilograms and drink clean water and unsweetened green tea does. For fans of salads and a version of the fasting day. You can clean the body with vegetable (1.5 kilograms of fresh fruit) or fruit (1.5 kg of fresh fruit) salad. Vegetable salads dressed with only vegetable oil and, if desired, with lemon juice. A fruit salad - a natural low-fat yogurt. That is, you will either be a vegetable day, or fruit per day. The most popular day of discharge is Kefir. It is simple, effective and convenient! Buy a 1.5 - 2 liters of buttermilk and drink it throughout the day. This fermented milk drink, is generally well absorbed by the body, enhancing digestion, cleansing the bowels and relieving the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. However it is better to hold Kefir discharge day, without leaving the house, because in some cases, a large number of yogurt can cause either diarrhea or constipation.

People often wonder about how to effectively and properly carry out discharge day, without causing the slightest harm to the body.  Purification of the body should be done no more than 1 time a week, after selecting a suitable food. This may be a vegetable, fruit, juice or kefir. It is important to know that fasting days are not allowed during periods of illness and recovery, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The presence of diabetes, chronic liver disease and kidney disease can also be a reason to abandon the fasting days.

If you decide to carry out  discharge day on apples, then you need to stock up 1.5 pounds of the fruit. The third part of this reserve has to be used in baked form. Baked apples contain more pectin than fresh. And pectin helps to clean the body effectively. Also note that sour apples are not for everyone (those who have increased the acidity of the stomach, it may be harmful).

Buckwheat discharge day is ideal for those who have the problems with their skin. During the day, eat lean buckwheat in an amount not more than 1.5 kilograms and drink clean water and unsweetened green tea.

Also there is a version of the fasting day for the fans of the salads. You can clean the body with vegetable (1.5 kilograms of fresh vegetables) or fruit (1.5 kg of fresh fruits) salad. Vegetable salads are seasoned with only vegetable oil and, if desired, with lemon juice. A fruit salad - a natural low-fat yogurt. So you will have either vegetable, or fruit day.

The most popular day of discharge is kefir. It is simple, effective and convenient! Buy a 1.5 - 2 liters of kefir and drink it throughout the day. This fermented milk drink, is generally well absorbed by the body, enhancing digestion, cleansing the bowels and relieving the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. However it is better to carry out kefir  discharge day, without leaving the house, because in some cases, a large amount of kefir can cause either diarrhea or constipation.

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Buks - 21.11.2012, 02:10
    Great info. Good tips.
  • avatar
    Nike - 22.11.2012, 09:57
    Our environment is very polluted, so we need to clean our bodies.
  • avatar
    pink - 23.11.2012, 15:54
    Good article. Pure water and fresh fruits and vegetables and your body will be clear like glass with water.