How to open a beauty salon from scratch

World of translation : Business
, 14:15

If you want to know "from scratch", you will need: opRedel how much money you can invest and what your future will be the concept of salon and choose the room.

So often start with a concept or beginners who already have certain advantages, or cosmetic business professionals who develop network salon s. The concept is one of the most important questions to ask yourself those who have the possibility of opening a salon and beauty. Unfortunately, at the same time, there are a huge influence subjective approach and standard of thinking, or a desire to imitate someone famous. In the resultsTate is an error, which ultimately leads to lost profits.

One of the major problems faced by aspiring entrepreneurs - an organization of tax accounting. Small businesses often do not need an accountant who will work full-time - it will just sit back, but his salary maybecome a real burden. Therefore often begins businessman trying to act as an accountant yourself, or trying to hire someone from the friends ... Meanwhile, there is a reliable, civilized and quite affordable, solution - use remote services of specialized accounting firm.

Level salon and beauty

Elite salon

With sufficient finances and wanting to start their own salon Beauty, many businessmen want certainly opened the way elite salon beauty. But even exerting a lot of effort is not always possible to implement it. So what is a bad option elite salon and? The answer is quite simple:   for the opening of an elite salon and fits very few buildings, locations and facilities, in addition, in the market of services already have a huge number of elite salon s. This means that it is very difficult to open his own elite withAlon , also for its opening need huge financial costs that often can not even go back for 5 years or more. So now the elite salon beauty - this is more prestige than a profitable business.

Shop "mifor the class "

A lot more now salon s "middle-class" for their discoveries do not need a huge investment if you have a room that starting capital $ 30-50 thousand to you it will be enough to open a small fatn and beauty. Equipment, engineering and design salon and "middle-class", you will need between $ 100 000 and on salon Beauty" top class "somewhere in the $ 300 000, and the center for aesthetic medicine around $ 650000.

So what should byt your   1st salon Beauty? This should be a democratic institution "for all", or quality hairdressing salon, which offers advanced services.

Another important aspect of the salon and the beauty of "middle-class" is the fact thatthey have not changed their pricing policy, want to raise the services provided to a higher level. Ie they operate on the principle that "if you do not have purchased it and have not lost" - as if they were unable to improve their service, it is still he remained on the democratic level salon s beauty mediumclass.

Subject salon and

Since opening salon Beauty nearly all customers ask him the following topics: cosmetics or hardware cosmetology. Thus, the future ownedEC initially creates ogranichenyya for your salon and beauty.

Whatever it was easier to change services, you change the sign and interior < span class = "key_hl" title = "Keyword"> salon and beauty. It is business-like and very reasonable use of fashion this season Estheticianscal "stuffing" in its price list. But the construction of the salon Beauty and narrowly-specific topics will bring you success only 1-3 years, and then may have problems with a profit.


Shop Beauty should be attractive for the long term and features and services are available in your salon e it should complement, match fashion and taste, and from time to time they need to change. Now just open the salon Beauty is no longer enough - it should be done in a professional manner, attracting knowledgeable professionals: beauticians, dermatologists, and so on. d.

Author: World of translation
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