How to register your company in Poland

World of translation : Politics, Law
, 15:22

To register your company in Poland should apply to the accounting authority and submit an application. To the company began work enough one application and multiple applications and certificates. To carry out all necessary formalities accounting bodies need 3 daysI'm from the moment of acceptance of the application.

What should be in the application?

Sample application for entry in the accounting of economic activity is an appendix to the order of the Council of Ministers on 24 March 2009 (eq. Cours. № 50, item 399). In each case, the registration must be filled in part of EDG-1 (both sides), cozing to the description in the manual and part of the EDG-RB, if the entrepreneur has a bank account. In the case of entrepreneurs who operate in more than one place, you must submit EDG-MW. On the other hand, if an entrepreneur declares the execution of more than 10 types of activities - EDG-RD.

The application EDG-1 is not only used for the registration of the company, andfor the termination of business activities, its recovery or making changes in the record.

The statement required information is:

  • Information about the entrepreneur;
  • Location entrepreneur;
  • Types of Workerof 2007 according to the PKD i PKD 2004;
  • Address;
  • Number of employees;
  • When did the obligation to pay contributions to the ZUS (pension fund) or information about insurance in KRUS;
  • Information about the subject, which is vechildren accounting documentation entrepreneur;
  • Information about the type of accounting records and its storage space.

For individuals engaged in economic activities, application EDG-1 is both a statement of registration in the state governmentRegistry of subjects of the national economy (REGON). In addition, at the same time is an identification or clarifying statement to the head of the tax administration. Also represents a change in the application or application contributor to ZUS or application for extension of social insurance of farmers.

How do I apply?

Application for entry may be submitted in person or through an attorney person in the accounting authority. You can send it by mail - by registered mail. In such a case requires notarization of the signature. Application can be submitted electronically using the form on-line. Bsuch a case is required to provide an electronic signature, if a person applying it has no need to be sure to attend in order to confirm the authenticity of the data. An electronic form for application in electronic form is available on the platform ePUAP, which is available online at, alsoavailable on the website of the Ministry of Economy ( and pages commune office or city. For filing an application for entry into the economic accounting charge. Also do not need to make any payments in the event of any changes relating to the company, which is already registered.

You can also start and implement a hostAffiliations activity after the filing of the application for registration, but before it is registered. But this is not true when to start operations must obtain a permit or concession. In this case, the entrepreneur can start work only after receiving them. But in the case of an application in electronic formWithout a secure signature, a firm that is registered starts its operation only on the day of the filling, add a signature to documents.

In addition to one window, a potential employer will have to submit their applications and to other organs, even before the actual start-up company .

insuredth person, including engaging in business activities, you will need to apply to the social or health insurance. This is - necessarily, regardless of the application EDG-1, in the form of a statement or ZUS ZUA ZUS ZZA, transmitted electronically or in writing directly to the ZUS (pension fund).

Some registrants firms should contact the tax office to choose the form of taxation. It is necessary to choose the tax depending on the planned income tax card or 19% linear tax.

Also, more before the activity, you need to register with the tax office on the form VAT-R. From this shallof exempt only those who will benefit from exemption from value added tax. Registration statement VAT-R, in accordance with Article 96 .. n. 4 of the Law on VAT tax, will be confirmed by the head of the tax office on the form VAT-5. The subject becomes a VAT payer from the application VAT-R.

You can submit all the required documents is independent, and can be turned into a specialized company that provides, thus you will save time, but spend the money.

Author: World of translation
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