Physics - duzhe I prirodnich of science


Physics - TSE 1-s Sciences, that viscauti nature. Yak Podolia website : your name: physics otrimali from grets. words fuss , Yak Yak perekladach nature . S the cob ficou nazivali science scho VSI vivala prirodn avisa, and troch Sodom dosljak this science avisa Buli, gestatio CDO visnadin. Scho nazivajut avisame nature? TSE SMN, that postijno in NY vdbase.


Middle picnic Avis primarily necessary nazvati:

  • Meghann, yaki POV Asan s movement til. Physics not only rozpada I opis movement and poyasnyu reason for yakimi to pochine ABO pribina movement, ruhsa ABO pokots;
  • Taplow, obumbler nutrio budovou recovery (h vivca termodinamica);
  • Electromagnet;
  • Swav.

Zavdyaki valuim vakrita razvivatsa not only physics itself, but th INSHI prirodn science: chemistry, astronomy, biology TA I n. Physics - TSE one of the s basics prirodnich Sciences.

Vivchennya ftiki got nivalis znachennya I tehni for development: people otrimali mozliwosci skonstruowany ltake I kosmon coral, electron priladi, comp utero techno that bagato hoho.

Many svo? knowledge people trimout iz posterity. Wcen-ftiki also vykorystovuyutsia in their robot method posterity.

Often zastosowanie shte th another [method - gold. In this case I thought, and z pevnou Mehta storyurl umove for protona of Chi hogo avima I potim viscauti Yogo. Gold - TSE nivalis source picnic knowledge. As a rule, Dold held in special laboratories, s vikoristannyam involving laboratory priladiv that obladnannya.

Vinchuca ficn avisa, pragoti not tilki z asuvate h causes and naybilsh exactly opisati h, volovici CLKIN spowderhorn. For tsogo reported, provoditi vimiryuvannya picnic values. When proveden vimiryuval vykorystovuyutsia rsement vimiryuval prelude instrumenti - lnici, termometri, secondary, ampermetre the IR. For cogno Ficino velicini South svo? odinic Viru. For example, Domino vimret in meters, ploso in square meters temperature in degrees Celsius. For srucnoc in RSNA Cranach namagayutsya cristobalite odinakovymi edinitsami. Nails posyannya the Sochi Miniratna system odinite (CI).

welchen picnic Avis vstanovleni contact mizh values. If contact mizh values to wear sticky character, Yogo nazivayut Picnik law, yaky yea matematichni virasam the law of nature.

Poyasnite, chomu those other Chi avise proto so, not nacse, z asuvate reason avisa dozvola fichna theory. Course ftiki daє mozliwosci not only poyasnite and prebaciti HD Avis, vladivost til.

Skin fichna theory opisu pawn avisa navkolishn material world. VSI stink POV Asan mizh themselves, Oskolki materialni world only. Skupnosti usih our knowledge about the world avla him fsico picture of the world.

the world development of science vdbase polyblend I utochneniya knowledge about materialni world. Not all wlasciwosci material world the I law of nature vzhe VCOM I wuchen. However rozvytok science swit about those scho mozhna materialni world panati processes , " savanna neskens.

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