Healthy teeth in Kiev

World of translation : Medicine
, 22:45

Say well, who would not want to have golivudskih smile on all 32 teetha? In today's world of beautiful, just as important as the presence of expensive watches, costume, phone and prestigious car. It's like a part of the image of any person. Today we talk about Kiev Dentistry - institutions that pomagajut city residents to solve all the problems with their teeth.

Children's Dental Clinic

Children stomatpoliklinika - the only one in the city. The students of the city can also use the services of a dentist in stationary stomatkabinetah working at 17 schools, but if for some reason they visit them do not want any restrictions for dental treatment it is in this polyclinic no.

As described hAveda preventive department Margarita St. Michael, in the clinic have the whole range of dental care: treatment of caries to the surgical and orthodontic care. The clinic is equipped with modern facilities and, most importantly, are treated free of charge, for 80% of children who do not have the opportunity to be treated free of charge, it is very important.

The polyclinic for adults

The head physician of the city dental clinic Mikhail Basyuk told that there served almost the entire adult population of the city, in addition to 25,000 residents of the neighborhood "Jubilee" that treat the teeth to the regional dental clinic. The clinic is working 89 physicians,record which can be on the phone. The clinic provides a full range of dental services: filling a variety of materials, art restoration, removal of dental plaque, periodontal surgery, splinting mobile teeth whitening, treatment of periodontitis, periodontitis and others. In recent years, health center, etc.Ovelia Accommodations technological re-equipment, and now all of its high-speed dental units and foreign production.

For a complete free treatment of domestic materials or materials from the CIS countries except for children who are entitled to the disabled, pensioners, students, pregnant women, with children up to three years. However, at certain timess kind of preferential treatment, there are a lot of turns.

All other categories of the population due to lack of financing are treated free of charge only within a state-guaranteed minimum. It includes: emergency dental care in the derivation of the acute condition (severe pain, acute inflammation, trauma), stationarySingle help patients with maxillofacial pathology (except for cosmetics), dental prosthesis with low-cost technologies. All other services, as well as treatment with expensive foreign materials is carried out on a fee basis.

Private dentists

Today in Kyiv are more than 60 private DENTALatologicheskih offices. Many citizens prefer private traders because of the cozy rooms, modern equipment, attentive attitude and lack of queues. At the prices, they are very different and depend on the prestige of all the clinics, the range of services it provides, eminent doctors, district location.

Author: World of translation
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