The story of the plates


Today, tablets are immensely popular and simply not realistic to imagine without electronics storethis gadget. But such popularity tablet acquired only in 2010 immediately after the well-known iPad. Prior to that, the device is small in size with no hardware keyboard and mouse developed rather slowly. Smartphones were very small to perform tasks on their computer, and laptop computers in turn, have been used fairlyOlsha for use on the road.

In the world of portable computers in the development process at the time you receive the following devices:

  • Tablet Slate PC;
  • Tablet PC Tablet PC;
  • Multimedia Internet Device MID;
  • Ultra Mobile PC UMPC;
  • Internet tablet.

The lack of a hardware keyboard is the main difference of vyssheperechislennyh devices. And the control unit and the input is on the capacitive touch screen or resistiveoh technology.

Notebooks same, while also developing towards reduction of weight and size. However, on this unit, there is still a hardware keyboard. If we look at the models of notebooks, which make attempts to take the place of a small PC, among them are the:

  • ultrabooks;
  • subnotebooks.      

The first models of tablets

1st tablet devices were born back in the mid-twentieth century. Prototypes of these gadgets appeared on TV ekranah in science fiction films, and the first device that resembled nlanshet appeared in 1968. It was the Dynabook Alan Kay (the device for training). As you can see, the concept of modern devices like the tablet was designed for a long time.

In 2002, was born the platform Microsoft Tablet PC, and there was also a Tablet PC - the working environment for tablets. True mass distribution of data mustachecorder never happened. As they used OS Windows XP, which transformed for use with touch screens. All plates were then weighed 1.5 - 2 kg, were 2 - 3 hours, their processors have not been sufficiently "agile". Screens had no such expansion today. Many of the tablets of the time, in terms of controlling touchWe maintain control of a stylus.

All of this did not help as much as their dissemination among the masses. All models are then obtained ineffective and the reason for this was the lack of a good platform for tablets. Using x86 require huge energy consumption, which in turn affected the cooling systemand made it impossible to proceed with the battery life. Second serious drawback was the use of only the first operating system - Windows XP, which in turn imposes certain restrictions on the interface devices, and this led to an uncomfortable work.

The emergence of modern tablets

In the beginning of the 2000-s Internet was not yet so widespread as today. Points Wi-Fi access was quite small, the mobile Internet has been very expensive. Then also there was no internet services, which are now for each platform created a huge amount. For example, were created for Google: Android Market, Android, Gmail, Gmaps, Gtalk and others. And when you Acquiredetaete tablet OS Android, you can get access to all services of the company. Similar systems have been made for other manufacturers of tablets, but it is now, in the early 2000s - was nothing like that. By the way, to get the plates , , , , , you can the online store:.

When the Internet spread and became available, then there will be familiar to us Tablet PC – Internet tablets. The first such device was the iPad released by Apple in 2010. This gadget to eliminate all shortcomings,that were inherent in the 1 x tablet. The unprecedented popularity of the 1st Internet Tablet has meant that other companies urgently began to produce their gadgets, competing with the iPad.

Author: World of translation
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