Whiteboard shame Rybinsk

World of translation : Internet
, 19:23

Every single person is part of a largerorganism - society, just as atoms are part of the molecule, and so on. d. From the work of each individual depends on the viability and effective functioning of society as a whole. Every single day in the life of man and society consists of many tasks and operations that result in the production or consumption of certains goods and services. But every day performing some tasks at work or at home, visiting shops or various activities we expect from persons or organizations representing them responsible and qualitative approach to their duties. Without going into vysokofilosofskie terms, this means that buying a certain product or service, we want to be sureennymi in their quality, and this, unfortunately, is not always.

How to improve the integrity of sellers?

This is a question that worries today, probably, of all citizens. This is due to the fact that the modern economy is not developing on the state, the planned principle, when all stages of production strictly tontroliruyutsya by the state and the private, capitalist market principle. In such circumstances, the majority of goods and services produced and provided by private entities whose activities are mostly state is not controlled, and the responsibility for the production itself and the quality of the finished product is assigned to productionrer.

This is where and there is a vast field for fraud, which may stop (except supervisory bodies do not always), or private self-awareness and responsibility of the manufacturer, or sharp as a razor, public opinion . Certainly, each of us in his life took place moments of praise and condemnation, becausewe are not perfect and commit various acts. Such a system was laid from school and actively used in adult life.

Bulletin of shame

It is appropriate to recall the common at the time the board of honor (for wealthy) and the board of shame (for the guilty). Nothing is so formiruet stance, as the opinion of others. This can become quite an effective tool in terms of quality control, because public opinion is largely shapes the demand for products, and therefore supports the production.

It is now somewhat a time when everywhere there are those notorious boardsshame, because most communication is carried out in virtual space. But given the power of the Internet, this approach can become much more efficient, because covers a much wider audience

The virtual board shame

An interesting experiment of this kind was carried out in the cityRybinsk, known primarily for its large reservoir (at one time the largest in the world) and "Saturn" - the leader in the production of gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation. Circle of like-minded people created a unique site "Wall of Shame Rybinsk" (doskapozora-rybinsk.ru). This kind of information portal, a virtual playgroundfor communication of residents and visitors, which organized system of effective communication between consumers and producers, buyers are collected on the sellers. Consumers can report incidents of unfair sale of goods, its inadequate quality, and manufacturers - may try to justify the situation and improve their raputatsiyu.


There seems to be an experiment with a virtual system, the formation of public opinion is the place to be, because it is the opinion is formed exactly as it allows him to make the community.

Author: World of translation
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