Symbols of world culture: Bolshoi Theatre.

World of translation : Art
, 12:34

Grand Theatre - one of the most important and fundamental sym-Russian fishing and the world culture as a whole. He is the main national theater in Russia and began his summer calculus in 1776 on March 28. Bolshoi Theatre is the bearer of the traditions of Russian and world music culture. The repertoire contains musical masterpieces of Russian theater XIX-XX centuries. For their viewers and listeners Bolshoi Theater, etc.edlagaet Russian, western classics, various recognized world masterpieces of the XX century, as well as specially commissioned works. For example, the opera "Rosenthal's Children", ballets «Misericordes», «Lost Illusions" tantspesa "And then - a millennium of peace" and more. Theater engaged in the development and education of youth a youth opera program, where he successfullyon and expertly trained and improved future stars of the scene. Conducts public familiarity with achievements on your scene, as well as on the stages of the world scale.

Theater satisfy any listener and viewer of classical art form and audience tastes. By the way, view the poster presentations, as well as Acquiredgot some tickets to the Bolshoi theater and other Moskvskie please visit:. Theatre performs repertoire for the performance of rare works of theater and invites outstanding soloists, directors, and conducts chamber music, symphonic concerts, operas of all musical genres. A major role in the formation of the troupe played the Moscow University,de was given an excellent musical education. Bolshoi Theatre in constant active search for new ideas. After the reconstruction of the scene is build with great depth. The auditorium was built so that the sides of the scene to be seen. Technological equipment of the Bolshoi Theatre in walks among the first world-class.

Author: World of translation
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