Training Center "Danko"


Since childhood, parents and society have set up on the idea that, in order thatbe guaranteed to secure a stable and bright future, it is necessary to study, study and study again. It is a fact that it is difficult to argue, especially in our technologically advanced world. In fact, this is based education system of any state, all long-standing system of training quality training in all areas of ehkonOMIK, industry, national economy etc. Unfortunately, in our country, where the educational system and the production are, in fact, fragmented industries, even the presence of higher education does not guarantee the coveted bright and carefree future. The thing is that the present gap between the training system and the realFirst production needs (as, indeed, and other areas) leads to the fact that the general job market appears gossudarstva army of educated unemployed who actually need retraining and development of new, more relevant profession. One of the best training facilities in this regard has Kiev Training Centre "Danko":. Center osuschestvlyaet advanced training, in order to obtain not only theoretical but also practical real-world knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • finance and accounting (analysis, management, auditing, and so on. D.);
  • account in the construction industry, estimate work;
  • Logistics business and the domestic and foreign markets;
  • Courses of PC users, programming, SEO;
  • Courses branch management and marketing technologies;
  • Courses experts in the field of recruitment;
  • Kursy restaurateurs.

Author: World of translation
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