Why need a nurse in the hospital

World of translation : Medicine
, 15:23

In the life of every person, sooner or later, this does not happenpleasant event when the job fails, and the body's need for skilled care. Its seriousness in terms of the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical, rehabilitation depends on the complexity of the situation. It's one thing if a person is sick or has an infection of minor injuries that can USPeshno treated on an outpatient basis. Quite a different picture is obtained in the case of serious injury and no less serious diseases, including age-related condition where a person can not walk or such movements are quite limited. Most of these conditions require hospital treatment, including rehabilitation andconstant stage, since only this approach ensures the success of treatment and eliminates the human factor from the patient. But the same approach necessarily drags attract additional nurses, who would exercise constant care to patients at a time when there is no doctor or family - simply put, sittingki. This approach is well-founded, as some particularly heavy patients certainly need continual monitoring and care, which, of course, just not physically able to cover the nursing staff of any office. Under current conditions, the use of professional nurses to be have - it is quitenormal and common phenomenon, which guarantees high-quality and comprehensive care for patients, as well as unloading of regular personnel. Naturally, with this approach, the nurse must have a medical degree, at least at the level of nurses. Her responsibilities usually includes the following procedures:

  • strict control and proper compliance with all requirements of the attending physician;
  • permanent control over the condition of the patient and call your doctor at an emergency;
  • control and prevention of pressure sores, which are indispensable companions on longstay in the supine position;
  • holding personal hygiene;
  • support for the patient, if necessary, move to the treatment or observation area;
  • execution of dressings, intravenous lines and setting t. P.;
  • bodyization in many ways (eg, reading books, newspapers, watch TV, talk, and so on. n.).
Author: World of translation
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