Interior blinds in Volgograd


"The world Blinds" - that is the name of a profile in the salon Volgograd.Looking at the title and read the list of their products you will realize they are fully consistent with each other. Inside, you really immerse yourself in the fascinating world of colors, shapes and moods that will give you long-awaited blinds. This is a practical, high-tech and aesthetically perfect analogue of conventional curtains. The advantages of cooperation with Salthe hold "World Blinds" enjoys a wide range of clients, ranging from ordinary individuals to large companies-contractors. Detatno more about the salon read. Without exception, customers can count on:

  • quality materials, accessories and design;
  • perfect podobrannys size and type of construction;
  • quite attractive prices, which, as they say, find a buyer;
  • class service and maintenance.

Shop "World of Blinds" is ready to present to you a choice of four basic types of blinds, kazhdy of which has its own advantages and Scope:

  • Vertical blinds - the most similar to the conventional analogue technology curtains. The fact that blinds are composed of vertical slats which are pushed aside as the common curtains on the ledge. They are abouttlichayutsya by type of material, mounting and control method;
  • Horizontal blinds , in contrast to the vertical consist of blocks of horizontal slats. They produced a full-size window and can be turned either to fold in the vertical direction;
  • Pleated blinds . From the main difference from the previous, standard types of blinds is a structure that does not consist of individual lamellae, and from the flexible sheet, which, when folded in an accordion folding;
  • Multifacture blinds - vertical blinds that combinemultilevel overlay slats of different types, resulting in possible to simulate the flow of curtains and net curtains, pelmets, and so on. n.

Author: World of translation
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