Christmas party or Christmas tree


Every nation, the country has its own government and a nopulyarnye holidays. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular holidays, if not the most popular,   is the New Year. Fragrant smell of pine needles from the Christmas tree decorated main beauty, toys, treats, gifts, fireworks and congratulations - it's just the little of what we love this holiday. And if we add to this the frosty and snowy weather and most importantly deHb-other weekend, so it is generally the most anticipated holiday of the year is obtained. So we see it, the adults, but children, the mind which still clean and not clouded by problems waiting for him at least, and sincerity in their expectations and desires much more. For them, it's a great tale about Santa Claus (long ago lost the deep meaning for adults), forcing Chube the light to look under the pillow or the tree in search of the long-awaited gifts and sweets. In addition, the New Year - this is a great opportunity for crumbs once again spend the whole day in the company of beloved parents, and visit, and most importantly to participate in the costume show - Christmas party or New Year trees. By the way you can on the website Scripts matinees diverse and thematically, and according to the scenario, but usually consist of the following main elements of the program: a theatrical performance with musical accompaniment, competitions for children and their parents, raffles and more. As a rule, over the development and implementation of programs Firs, the work of professionals writers, directors, musicians and actors. Not surprisingly, most matinees are at the theater and houses of culture - where and staff, and the atmosphere is most suited to organize the event.

Author: World of translation
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