Plum Hungarian

World of translation : Nature
, 19:28

Today, there are more than thirty kinds of plums, each of whichhas more than one grade. This fruit plant, with juicy blue fruits, historically comes from Asia Minor and the northern Mediterranean. Among all species and varieties of plum cultivar occupies a special place Hungarian. This is one of the varieties of so-called plum home. Homeland is considered, despite the name, northern Italy. Besides the main varieties suschesexists a still, at least a dozen varieties of Hungarian differing origins and form: Home, Azhanskaya, Moscow, Pulkovo, Oposhnyanskaya, Vangeyma, Tragedy, and others. The main differences, and along with the benefits from other types of plum in Hungarian as follows: very high taste, high samoplodnye, frost resistance, goods immunity against fungal diseases, technological versatility of processing fruit, good storage ability. And most importantly, what is especially appreciated this kind of plum - Hungarian is an excellent raw material for the production of prunes highest quality. This is explained by the fact that this plum pulp contains a high percentage of solids (withuhih - up to 19% sugar - 13%) at low acid concentrations (within 0.5%). Hungarian belongs to the late bloomers, has excellent yield (in some cases can reach up to 200 kg per tree) and very well maintained (especially if it is pressed with bone dried fruit). Fruits of the Hungarian differ dark, almost cherNoah color, are oval in shape and rather large size (40 to 50 millimeters in an envelope).

Author: World of translation
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